Raft Ups.

From Left to Right - Buoy Boat, T-Boat, Mac-3. Moored in Dolly's Bay. This photo was taken by Bill Adams in 1961, from Borden's dock, which SOFAR used to store the punt for getting out to the boats.
Borden's Dock is clearly visible in the photo below - the jetty extending out into the bay.
Posted Apr. 2014
Framed photo which hung on the wall of Gordon Hamilton's Office. The radio mast at the top of the hill is at Fort George, which was where the SOFAR Seismometer equipment was located, deep down in the dungeons of the old fort. mounted on solid bedrock, and 'listening' for distant earthquakes and Russian atomic bomb terrestrial, underground and oceanic testing. Yes! Atomic! Before the days of nuclear reactions!! (See Fort George Seismometer station.) |
Photo courtesy of Gregg Hamilton.
Posted Aug. 2024